Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Gay Talk Show Host OPPOSES Gay Marriage

This article by a well known gay talk show host reveals the common sense approach some are taking. Here are highlights of the article with a link to the full article:

As distressing as the state of the American family is today with the high rate of divorce and adultery, the situation is far less stable among gays.

To say that unfortunately the gay world is in a general state of hyper-sexuality that is not conducive to relationships which marriage was intended to foster is to put it mildly.

...almost all of the issues the gay left claims it is justifiably concerned about like property, health, and financial partnership issues have already been dealt with by many states and can be dealt with through further legislation as needed. Such legal changes would encounter far less political opposition.......

Forcing a change to an institution as fundamental and established by civilization as marriage is deemed by gay activists and other cultural liberals as the equivalent of the Good Housekeeping seal of approval for homosexuality itself......

...... They want to force others to accept their social view, and declare all those who might have an objection to their social agenda to be bigots, racists, and homophobes to be scorned and forced into silence.

The gay left has still not matured into a position of self-empowerment, but is still committed by and large to the idea that the rest of society must bless being gay in every way imaginable. ......

....... Marriage exists in order to create a stable and structured environment for couples to reproduce and raise their offspring.

And so we have come to yet another chapter in the story of those who would portray themselves as victims in need of another sanction from the state. This time the price of social acceptance of gays is the redefinition of an institution that is thousands of years old and a cornerstone of society. Does that really seem like a wise and prudent choice for America to make...

Al Rantel is a radio talk show host on Los Angeles' KABC. <--- Click here to view the full article


emi. said...

thanks for this post.

Marriage is our culture’s ultimate expression of equality–it takes one man and one woman to create children. Even if a marriage can’t have children or choose not to have children the definition of their relationship expresses this equality.

One could see a lesbian union as a marginalization of men, or a homosexual union as a marginalization of women.

I don't believe government should sanction the marginalization of any gender (or more importantly, parent). And even though some families can't have children, or choose not to have children, you can't separate the child-issue from the marriage issue.

there is a great discussion here:

yes on prop 8!

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to get your opinion on an idea that may or may not be a good approach. I have heard about people searching for proposition 8 in google and then clicking on the “yes on prop 8″ or “no on prop8″ paid ad links multiple times that appear at the top of the search results in google. Each time someone clicks on these links it is costing that campaign money. I guess clicking on the “no on prop 8″ ad is costing Hollywood stars like Ellen money they donated to the no on 8 campaign. I imagine if you were to break out the donations made to each campaign that the yes on 8 campaign’s donations have been made by at least twice as many people as the amount of people contributing to the “no on 8 campaign”. The majority of donations made to the “no on 8″ campaign have been made by Hollywood stars like Brad Pitt, Ellen Degeneres, and Steven Spielberg. Don’t forget the CTA, is it a bad idea for people who feel betrayed by the $1.2 million donation made by the CTA to fight back by clicking on the “no on prop 8″ paid search link multiple times each day? What do you think……

CaliforniaCrusader said...

As a father and elementary school teacher, one of my biggest concerns is the unintended consequences of supporting same-sex marriage, meaning voting against Prop 8. At first, it sounds harmless. Why shouldn't we allow any two individuals who love each other to marry? But, it's larger than that. In redefining marriage to be between any two people who love each other, we are rewriting school curriculum. Many of my colleagues will argue that Prop 8 will have no consequences for schools, and they are partially correct. I don’t see any major curricular changes happening in the next year or two. But, eventually, it will. This is a Pandora’s Box I’m not willing to open. See the rest of my thoughts at

Anonymous said...

Your blog is great and I feel like asking no on 8's:
Hey! Got Research? Bashing, accusations, emotions are running high in this election about Prop. 8 but I'm not seeing people talk about the hard-core research. There is no hate in facts. They just are. And they are in support of yes on Prop. 8...

The country of France did their homework. They read the research and decided to put children's needs first because kids thrive more in a heterosexual marriage. Don't believe me? Read the research yourself:

Thanks! htt://

Left Coaster said...

Good post, Keep blogging. We are sprinting towards Nov 4. Vote yes on Prop 8!

The Skinny on Schools and Prop 8.

1 - Public schools in California are not required to teach anything about marriage.

2 - 96 percent of California public schools teach a Health and Sex Ed Curriculum, which is my understanding is required under law (but I cannot find that online yet from the State, I am still looking).

3 - If a public school teaches Health and Sex Ed, they are required to teach the following :

“Instruction shall be appropriate for students of all genders, sexual orientations, and ethnic and cultural backgrounds…Instruction shall encourage communication between students and their families and shall teach respect for marriage and committed relationships.

4 - This means that schools that teach Heath and Sex Ed will now be required to teach that Gay Marriage is the same as Marriage between a Man and a Woman.

beetlebabee said...

Crusader, you’re right, it’s completely terrifying that they would want this kind of confusion in the schools.

The more I look at it the clearer it becomes, gay rights activists have an agenda. They say that gayness is not a choice, that it’s genetically driven, so we shouldn’t deny them their lifestyle and we’re discriminating if we do. But the statistics show that children raised in a gay environment are much more likely to choose the gay lifestyle themselves.

While there may be some genetic component, the consensus is that it is most likely a combination of genetics and societal influence. For instance, one of our high schools is having a rash of homosexual type experimentation because it’s become the edge thing to do.

That has everything to do with environment and nothing to do with genetics. That a school would choose to immerse the future generations with this kind of crosstalk and confusion is unfathomable.